Colour:Blue/Deep Magenta shakes together as Deep Magenta
Keynote: Communication, inner and outer. Trust and faith. Nurturing.
May be helpful in deepening our understanding of spirit as it operates in everyday life.
Main Theme: Deep intuitive insights in practical everyday life.
Dominant Characteristics: A person with trust and peace in the conscious mind. Brings in a warmth and caring into all activities. This person can communicate with warmth and clarity and radiates a nurturing energy to others.
Possible Challenge Aspects: These people can be out of touch with their own emotions.There can be a coldness connected with this color. Often these people hide their true feelings and identity from others just as the beautiful deep magenta base hides the rich depth of magenta within itself, seen if you hold a torch or flashlight behind it. There can be a desire for perfection that separates them from other more imperfect beings. Sometimes difficulties in expressing her/himself.
Spiritual Level: Stimulates inspiration. It may help us to open to the path of peaceful nurturing with insight.
Mental Level: It may help to uncover self-deception and facilitate a new start, a new step forward. Can help in establishing contact with one`s own power.
Emotional Level: Offers deep peace and deep caring, and thus trust in a higher order.
Affirmation: I am complete. I integrate every aspect into my being.
Where to Apply the Substance: Along the entire hairline, around the throat, neck and ears.
Distinctive Qualities: Part of the Chakra Set. Sixth or Seventh Chakra, Third-Eye, Crown-Chakra. Part of the Pocket-Rescue-Set.
Set: Chakra / Rescue
主题:沟通,内在和外部。 信任和信心。 培养。
设置: 脉轮 / 救援
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SKU: 1
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